1 The data files you are opening will now be converted\nto support new features available in ClipCache. The\nupdated files will not be compatible with older versions. \n\nCreate a backup before conversion?\n\nBackup:\n%1\n%2\n\nTo:\n%3\n%4
3 All files (*.*)
4 Wave Files (*.wav)
5 ClipCache Files (*.idx)
6 Unable to autoload your most recently used database because the file '%1' does not exist.\n\nClick OK to locate and open an existing database.\nClick Cancel followed by New Database from the File menu to create a new database.
7 ClipCache Plus Options
8 Compact
9 The current size of the data file is %1 bytes.\nCompaction will reduce the data file by %2 bytes (%3!i!%%).\n\nCompact now?
133 Unable to load the database because the file '%1' is invalid.\n\nTo open another database click Open Database from the File menu\nTo create a new database click New Database from the File menu.
144 Invalid code.
145 Thank you for purchasing ClipCache.
146 This code has been distributed without permission and is no longer valid.
147 The trial period is about to expire. Purchase now?\n\nIf you have already purchased a license code, click "Yes" to enter it.
148 The trial period has expired.\nYou must purchase ClipCache, or use the free version.\n\nClick YES to purchase, or NO to use the free version.
149 The trial period has expired, you must purchase ClipCache. Purchase now?
150 %1!i! DAYS REMAINING.\n\n
151 This feature is only available in the full version.\n\nSwitch to the full version now?
160 Empty Preset %1!i!
161 Remove Email Indents
162 Remove Email Indents and Compact
163 Remove Severe Email Indents
164 Trim Left and Remove Linebreaks
165 Please select two or more text clips to merge.
166 The selection contains image clips that are incompatible for merging.
32775 Create a group to store clips\nNew Group (Ctrl+G)
32776 Delete the selected items\nDelete (Del)
32784 Removes all items in the Trash group\nClear Trash
32785 Options
32786 Rename the selected item\nRename (F2)
32788 Display the properties of the selected item(s)\nProperties (Alt+Enter)
32794 Reverse which items are selected and which are not\nInvert Selection
32798 Purge all groups
32802 Activate or deactivates capturing of clipboard items
32809 Set the selected group to receive captured clips
32823 Merge the selected text items into a new clip item
32826 Exit ClipCache Plus
32830 Refresh all panes
32832 Select the preview pane font for text clips
32833 Hide the main window
32834 Switch focus to the next pane
32835 Save the currently selected clip item
32839 http://www.clipcache.com/support.html
32842 http://www.clipcache.com
32845 Append text captures to the current clipboard content
32846 Edit the currently selected text clip\nEdit Text Clip (Ctrl+E)
32848 Create a new empty text clip for editing\nCreate New Text Clip (Ctrl+N)
32856 Reduce the size of the database
32857 Find the next specified clip\nFind Next (F3)
32867 Clear the contents of the clipboard
32869 Convert to upper case characters
32870 Convert to lower case characters
32871 Remove leading spaces and tabs from each line\nTrim &Leading Whitespace (Ctrl+L)
32872 Remove trailing spaces and tabs from each line
32873 Remove empty or blank lines of text
32874 Replace CR/LFs (carriage-return / linefeed characters) with a space
32875 Remove all CR/LFs (carriage-return / linefeeds)
32876 Clean and strips unwanted characters\nCleanup Text (Ctrl+U)
32877 Strips angle brackets away from email addresses
32878 Strips HTML tags
32879 Remove leading angle brackets '>' from each line
32880 Remove leading pipes '|' from each line
32881 Remove leading spaces from each line
32882 Remove leading tabs from each line
32883 Remove leading colons ':' from each line
32884 Toggle the case of each character
32885 Capitalize the first character of a word
32886 Capitalize the first character of a sentence
32887 Capitalize sentence, remaining characters to lower case
32888 Capitalize word, remaining characters to lower case
32889 Separate paragraphs with one empty line
32890 Covert to to plain text
32891 Covert MIME =nn encoded characters to ASCII
32892 Covert MIME %nn encoded characters to ASCII
33000 Use the free mode (limited features)
33001 Use the trial mode
33002 Purchase ClipCache Plus
33003 Copy the selected items and paste into most recently active application\nQuickPaste (Shift+Enter)
33010 Switch focus to the previous pane
33012 Re-establishe a connection to the clipboard viewer chain
33013 The main window becomes the topmost window
33014 Purge the selected group
33015 QuickPaste the selected item, followed by 'tab-ing' to the next field of the most recently active application\nFormPaste
33017 Sort the item pane by name
33018 Sort the item pane by size
33019 Sort the item pane by format
33020 Sort the item pane by date
33021 Sort the item pane by source window
33022 Sort the item pane by source URL
33032 Sort the item pane by drag and drop positioning
33036 Sort the item pane in ascending order
33037 Sort on the clicked column in ascending order.
33038 Sort on the clicked column in descending order.
33039 Wrap the text at the preview pane boundary\nToggle Word Wrap
33040 Toggle AutoPaste on or off
33041 Set the AutoPaste target window to the current QuickPaste target
33042 Keep input focus with the target window after AutoPasting
33043 Find and replace text inside a text clip\nFind And Replace Text (Ctrl+R)
33044 Toggle the preview pane between maximized and normal\nMaximize Preview Pane (F11)